Hello everyone. My apologies for taking so long between reports. I have been working on quite a few things over the summer. I have been updating the new website (www.jagflyfishing.com), where I will be changing my monthly reports into a blog format. This will be my last newsletter in Mailchimp. My new website will launch the first week of September. In June I was invited to become an Orvis endorsed guide for Northern California. I count it an honor to be able to represent the Orvis brand. I would like to send a huge thanks to all those who helped make this possible. My page (https://www.orvis.com/product/j.a.g.-fly-fishing) on the Orvis website is now live.
Join me at Orvis in Roseville September 12th at 6pm, for my presentation on the Feather River. And September 14th, 10am to 3pm, at the Fly Fishing Specialties BBQ, I will be at the Nor Cal Fly Guides booth. I would also like to welcome our new subscribers. We currently have some great fishing opportunities, and some great options for fall fishing.
LAKE ALMANOR: Rating: Good and Improving Lake Level: 4488 ft Water Temps: 69°F Water Clarity: 12 ft
Fishing Report: The weather at Lake Almanor has finally cooled down a bit. The pond smelt hatch has started. I have graphed huge schools of smelt, in many areas around the lake, with big fish already cutting and slashing through the pod. This is big brown time, as the brown trout are bulking up for their spawning runs into the tributaries to spawn. We can fish a variety of tactics, right now. Long leaders under an indicator, stripping pond smelt patterns with sinking lines, and running a floating pond smelt on floating lines. Fishing will get better as the season progresses into September and October, as the browns bulk up for their spawning run.
Nymphs: #12 Callibaetis, #10 Midge, #12 Caddis Streamers: #10 Damsels, #6/8 Balanced Leech - Pond Smelt or Daphnia Dries: #14 Callibaetis, #6/8 Floating Pond Smelt, #10 Floating leech
Guide Tip: There are hundreds of fish in a bait ball, fish will have a difficult time isolating your Flies Fish the edges of the bait balls.
Open Dates: Now Booking through October 1st. Call or Email for availability
Rating: No current report Lake Level: 5090ft Water Temps: 69°F Water Clarity: 6 - 8ft
Fishing Report: With the pond smelt hatch going on at Lake Almanor, I won't be at Eagle Lake until October.
Nymphs: #10 wiggle tails, #12 Scud, #10 midge Streamers: #8 trolling fly, #10 wiggle tail, #8/10 Balanced leech Dries: #8 Floating pond smelt
Guide Tip: October through January fishes the best here. It's cold so bring a good thermos with a warm beverage.
Open Dates: Now Booking October 1st through January. Call or Email for availability
Rating: Hwy 20 to Daguerre Dam - Good Daguerre Dam to Marysville - Slow Flows: 1390 CFS and dropping Water Temps: 64°F Water Clarity: 4 - 8ft
Fishing Report:
Hwy 20 bridge to Daguerre Dam Point: This section of the river has been fish good throughout the Summer, in between the restoration gravel dumps. With the end of these gravel dumps, there are still a few fish looking up for hoppers as well. Stoneflies and caddis have been the best producers under an indicator. Swinging soft hackle caddis has also produced well. Do not forget above Hwy 20 Bridge closes September 1st until December 1st, for the salmon spawn. With Salmon starting to enter the river, egg patterns will become the top producer. Seeing how many salmon are in the Feather currently, I am hopeful for a good spawn here on the Lower Yuba River.
Daguerre Dam Point to Marysville: Fishing in the upper section has been so good, I have not been down below Deguerre Dam yet this season. There are some reports that there are still a few stripers hanging around in the lower section. Stripping Deceivers and Clousers have been productive.
Nymphs: #14 Caddis, #8/10 Stones, 8mm Eggs (soon) Streamers: #10 Hale Bopp, #10 Wiggle Tails, 3/0 Clousers and Deceivers Dries: #10 Hoppers, #14 Caddis
Guide Tip: Look for fish off the beaten path. These fish move a lot and when there is heavy pressure they will hold in odd places.
Clinics: I am running on the water fly fishing clinics on the Lower Yuba. One in the Fall in October, and one in the Spring in April. Each clinic has 6 spots available. Call or Email for availability.
Open Dates: Now Booking Now through December. Call or Email for availability

Rating: Fair - will improve as Salmon start digging redds Flows: Low-flow 1,121 cfs High-Flow 6,391cfs Total = 7,512 cfs Water Temps: 67°F Water Clarity: 6 - 8 FT
Fishing Report: Scouted on Thursday with my good friend and fellow guide Tom Page from Reel Anglers. There are a lot of salmon and steelhead currently in the system, however the salmon were beating the steelhead up pretty good. The salmon are hyper aggressive right now, so the steelhead are really spooky. Once the salmon start to dig redds, the steelhead will calm down and fishing will be red hot. I was encouraged to see the good numbers of salmon already in the system. I am hopeful for a good return in the Lower Yuba and Lower Sacramento rivers as well. Please remember salmon fishing is closed in California. Caddis under an indicator as well as a swung soft hackle caddis were our top producers.
Nymphs: #14 Caddis, #16 Baetis, #16 PMD, 8mm Eggs (soon) Streamers: #6 sculpin, #10 Wiggle Tails, #10 Hale Bopp Dries: #12 Caddis, #14 PMD Guide Tip: There have been changes at the fish weir. There is no fishing 250ft Above and Below the weir. They have also installed cameras to monitor the area.
Clinics: I am running on the water fly fishing clinics on the Feather River. One in the Fall in October, and one in the Spring in April. Each clinic has 6 spots available. Call or Email for availability.
Open Dates: Now Booking through December. Call or Email for availability

Rating: Fair Flows: 10,000 cfs and dropping Water Temps: 63°F Water Clarity: 4 - 8 FT
Fishing Report: The Lower Sacramento River has been up and down. In conversations with other local guides, it seems that insect hatches have dwindled, and fish are not in their usual haunts. We have been working hard for 10 - 15 smaller than average fish, for this time of year. Rumor has it that a lot of fish were still in tributaries and back channels still spawning in mid-August. My speculation is that colder than normal water temperatures and experimental pulse flows are the cause of all this. However, I am hopeful that the cooler water will bring salmon upstream this year. Late afternoon into the evening has been the most productive, under an indicator.
Nymphs: #12/14 Caddis, #6/8 Stoneflies, #18 Baetis, #16 PMD Streamers: #6 Sculpin Dries: #12 Caddis, #8 Hopper
Guide Tip: A lot of boats run the river daily. Look for fish in lines off the beaten path, and you will find a few fish.
Open Dates: Booking now through December. Call or Email for availability